Frauenhaus Pforzheim

  • Shelters and crisis services
  • Shelters
  • 24-hour telephone service



- 75172



Ökumenisches Frauenhaus Pforzheim und Fachstelle gegen häusliche Gewalt Pforzheim / Enzkreis gGmbH


07231 457630

Opening hours / Consultation hours

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday:

08.00 to 12.30 Uhr

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday:

13.30 to 16.00 Uhr

außerhalb dieser Zeiten sind wir über die Rufbereitschaft bzw. Polizei immer erreichbar (auch nachts / am Wochenende / Feiertagen /...)

We give advice to

Gender identity

  • female


  • 18-99 Years

Intended for

  • Concerned
  • Specialists

The counseling is available

  • Face-to-Face
  • Over the phone

Lngs spoken

  • German
  • Easy language
  • English
  • Russian
  • Sign language


  • Sign language
  • Easy language
  • First contact can be made in writing


  • Prevention
  • Sexualised violence through digital media
  • Organised sexualised and ritual violence
  • Advice on financial aid

Further Information

Opt Crisis Follow Up Children


Further Notes

männliche Kinder allerdings nur bis zum 12 Lebensjahr möglich

Map view

The map is an aditional visual representation of the detail view.

Web analysis / data collection

The Independent Commissioner for Child Sexual Abuse Issues would like to continuously improve this website. For this purpose, your consent to the statistical collection of usage information is being requested. Your consent can be withdrawn at any time.